
Team Building and Leadership


On Team Building...

Team building is the process through which employees are encouraged to work together interdependently and cooperatively. When effective, team building can help a group of employees achieve a common goal. In fact, team work is one of the most critical factors affecting organisational success and growth.


On Leadership...

A leader is a person who guides and influences the behaviour of other people. Good, strong leadership can bind a group together and motivate it towards goals. Leaders empower their team members to take action instead of simply telling them what to do. Under the right leadership, an organisation can make astounding progress.

Key Organisational Correlates


Frequent communication helps team building and is key to good leadership too. Having clear communication guidelines can help strengthen trust and bonding in a team.


When employees are able to trust each other and form relationships based on mutual respect, they are likely to develop faith in leaders and be part of a stronger team.

Work Distribution

Delegating responsibilities to subordinates and assigning specific responsibilities to each employee can promote team building and strengthen belief in the leadership.

Rules and Norms

When an organisation establishes guidelines for work behaviour, a clear structure and rules for general conduct, teams are likely to be stronger and leaders more effective.

Do You Need to Care?


Team Building Matters

When organisations engage in team building efforts, employees show higher levels of morale. Team building has also been linked to improved interpersonal relationships, improved processes and increased productivity in the organisation.


Leadership Matters, Too

Investing in leadership at an organisational level is beneficial for leaders and employees. Leaders, when trained well, experience higher job satisfaction. As a result, they can inspire teams to work better and can even promote awareness and innovation.

InnerHour Solutions

Based on the specific team building and leadership requirements of an organisation, InnerHour builds a customised Employee Happiness Programme with a range of interventions.

Proprietary Diagnostics

InnerHour's resilience survey identifies strengths of employees and teams, which can then be used to improve team functioning and leadership. We also conduct personality assessments to help senior management and HR teams identify employees who will make good leaders and/or team workers.

Targeted Action Plans

In close collaboration with the employer, and using insights from the diagnostic tools, we build out a comprehensive and systematic action plan to improve leadership and team functioning in organisations.


We deliver specialised workshops and webinars on relevant topics, such as emotional intelligence, resilience, diversity, and communication. These workshops can be conducted for specific groups, such as senior managers and/or independent teams.


Through the InnerHour app, employees get access to various sellf-care programmes. Each programme offers personalised plans with tools and activities that promote skill-learning, healthy habits, and a happier lifestyle.


Employees who require more personalised assistance can talk to a qualified InnerHour professional to build their leadership and team-working skills.


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Empower Your Leaders and Teams

Build a stronger and more resilient organisation with InnerHour's Employee Happiness Programme.

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Lovaas, Beate Jelstad, et al. “What Fosters Transformational Leadership?” Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 2018, no. 1, 2018, p. 12413., doi:10.5465/ambpp.2018.12413abstract.

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